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Get Involved

The League of California Cities protects local control and advances its state action agenda thanks to the active involvement of city officials from across the Golden State. City leaders directly influence Cal Cities' overall efforts through their involvement in policy committees, regional divisions, municipal departments, and caucuses. City officials can also get involved by joining grassroots campaigns, educational events, and department listservs. 

Explore how to get involved


How to Get Involved


Functioning as professional societies with educational and networking opportunities, municipal departments play an essential role in forming Cal Cities policy and programs. Each department is represented on the Cal Cities’ board of directors and policy committees.

Regional Divisions

Representing virtually every city and town in California, Regional Divisions are at the core of our advocacy efforts. City officials — both elected and career — help develop region-specific programs and carry out grassroots activities that support chosen legislative, regulatory, and ballot measure goals.


Caucuses advocate for equitable state policies within Cal Cities’ internal committees and departments, ensure that the unique needs of their respective communities are responded to, and promote the advancement of officials from traditionally marginalized communities.

Coastal Cities Group

Composed of 61 cities located within California's coastal zone, the Coastal Cities Group (CCG) collaborates on sea level rise mitigation efforts, land use regulations, and other issues of mutual interest.

Rural City Information Exchange

Rural communities often face different challenges than their urban counterparts and, even when the issues are similar, the solutions can differ dramatically.

Policy Committees

City officials actively debate, shape, and steer Cal Cities’ policy-making process and advocacy efforts. Over 400 officials collectively add their expertise and guidance to Cal Cities through one of seven policy committees.

Partnership Opportunities  Arrow


Cal Cities Partner Program

Support the work of cities while engaging in educational activities, policymaking, regional meetings, conferences, and networking events throughout the year.


Reach niche audiences like city managers, fire chiefs, city attorneys, city clerks, and fiscal officers in one location while supporting Cal Cities’ mission.


Showcase your products and services at the Public Works Officers Institute or connect with thousands of city officials at the Annual Conference and Expo.

Upcoming Events


May 8-10, 2024


October 16-18, 2024


December 11-12, 2024
CitiPAC logo

Cal Cities' successes at the ballot box are possible only through the support of CitiPAC, a political action committee that focuses solely on initiatives affecting cities. Fundraising through CitiPAC helps ensure that the League has the necessary resources to advocate for city interests on ballot measures and defend against threats to local democracy. Learn more about CitiPAC.